Monthly support plans

Gone are the days of putting a website live and leaving it. If you’re a current client you hear me say it all the time “Websites are likes cars, they require maintenance.” I’m continuing to work to make that easier for my current clients & welcome new ones. I have anywhere from maintenance packages to full-service packages. My space is limited though as I work to give each of my clients the care they deserve. 

Priority is given to those I host. If I’m not currently hosting your website please consider it. I offer a free transfer!

All packages are a 3 month min. and billed at the first of each month.


Hourly billing outside of packages is $115/hr

We do not write content, but we have a gal for you! Contact Emily and let her know Lindsey sent you. She will take care of you.

WordPress Updates & Monitoring

If you own a WordPress Site this is a must
billed at $75/month at the start of each month

The time first gets allocated toward the core essentials:

  • WordPress Core Updates
  • WordPress Plugin Updates
  • Theme Updates
  • Security Monitoring
  • License key for theme & plugins (for those that I support, requires a conversation)
  • Priority Support including email & phone support.

Monthly Retainer

5hr/mo. – limited slots
If you own a WordPress Site this is a must
billed at $375/month at the start of each month

WordPress Maintenance:

  • WordPress Core Updates
  • WordPress Plugin Updates
  • Theme Updates
  • Security Monitoring
  • Priority Support including email & phone support.

Website updates

  • Anything website; create pages, edit content, add content (provided by client), forms, products, etc
  • License key for theme & plugins (for those that I support, requires a conversation)

Social Media

  • Create graphics
  • Schedule posts
  • Monitor and engagement


  • Help create a marketing campaign, talk through ideas, etc.
  • Work to find any software or plugins that might help your business